Sunday, August 3, 2008

jab we met!!!

Now i wonder how naive i was.. full of dreams!! i actually believed in " they lived happilly ever after" lovestories. But no.. if i look deep inside myself even today.. i still found myself aching for someone on whom i can count. Someone who'll love me.. care about me.. misses me..!! Was that too much to ask? i always knew there will be no white horse or a tall, dark, handsome knight.. but i knew there will be some one for me.. wishing as desperately as i to meet. And one day i found him..
Day was quite slutry and humid. You won't wish to live such a day. Everyone seemed irritated about something or other. But i was oblivious to all that.. i was on the most intresting spot on the face of earth..!! CHATROOM!!!
As i enter the chat these small window start poping from here and there and once again the i felt the surge of energy inside me. Oh boy.. so many guys want to talk to me after all.. not that i am less popular.. it just that even we girls got some ego.. n all those chat windows seems like tribute offered to the goddess..ME!! I was talking to some jerk.. god knows who, then this little window pop up just as a rose flower open its petal calling for life (ok, ok i was exaggerating..) the window pop up just.. NORMALLY. (fine!!!) There he was,SURAJ.
khushi: hi!
(yes i posted hi jus like that.. without thinking.. i was there to chat afterall.. what?)
The real life great stories always start with a little.."hi". And not so great stories also start with the same!
We chatted nonchalantly for a while. Just normal stuff.. hobbies n all. Sometimes i wonder why actully do we chat.. just because we have a hobby of knowing other people hobbies?? how rubbish is that!
But we did that anyways.. n after few minutes.. he said he has to go. We added eachother and he went. You imagine, how much peril this small, harmless seeming talk can cause. It's almost like
you topping off a cliff just because you were walking backwards.. lol. That was idiotic.. why would anyone do so.. jus for fun i guess!! Oh.. that is what happened to me.. it was all done for fun right.
Hmm.. life never ask difficult questions.. it just answer them.. i guess!!


sugar'n'spice said...

tat was superb!

modest said...

puhlease ppl.. that "suraj" n "khushi" thing was not my idea.. it is a real story and as the real protagonist doesn't wish to get her name public.. so she came with THESE...

ok.. right now i actually know why movie directors show so much tantrums on sets! alas!