Thursday, June 26, 2008

how it started..

huh.. so here it goes. i got this friend of mine.. who is kinda geek in her special sort of way..its not that she knows everything(most of the times she just fake up things) but nevertheless she knows more about this computer n Internet stuff. did i told you her name?? no?? OK she is Tanvi.
if u ask me what she is like i would never be able to explain her. she knows about different stuffs n yet she is interesting enough to talk to. she is outgoing but yet sometimes i feel like she got this secret tech. lab in her house because i never make out what she is upto.
yeah i know i am drifting from the topic, so back to the topic.

So i sort of ask her how you go about this Internet n stuff. you see i was already 20 without knowing a thing about the lifeline of the today's world.yeah i know this all is sounding real lame a reason, so I'll tell you the truth. She and my best friend (Nikita) were really deep into this Internet stuff. you see they were online all day long. making friends, doing cool stuff on net and whenever we use to get together they use to talk about the new friends they made on net. How every boy on yahoo chat was after them.The number of fake id's they got. How cool or silly some guy was. It all was so fascinating. you can compare it with some sort of modern world fairy tale.I was fascinated.Besides you can get to know about everything on net. i told you how much i like to know about things n the Internet was the source to all of it. sort of a treasure for me.

so on the very day when my summer vacation started i was at Tanvi's house. After one hour when i went home i was with a yahoo id, a Google id, and an orkut account. woah! even today it feels so good..!
now its really easy for you to guess how wonderful my rest of vacation went. i was on a roller coaster.. new friends, old friends, fake id's. it was so much fun. and as good i am at learning thing i was a pro soon. but alas only at logical things n techie stuff not how human emotion works.. n thats how i fell in "THE GREAT INTERNET TRAP".

Friday, June 20, 2008


Mine was a normal happy life. Born on 24th may.. a normal day(no special effects of toofani raat n of the sort). A very happy, cute and normal family.
My mom.. typical Indian mother, always with same old “had supper properly??” , “you trouble yourself a lot”, “you should help me at times.. don’t you think” n sort!!
Dad.. pretty cool! All calm, quite n always there for me. Got any problem, he is the solution to all of them.. u rock dad.. seriously!!
N as no hindi movie is complete without a villain same way no happy family is complete without a notorious brother so here he is.. my bro.. Paritosh!

We four.. the perfect family..TOUCHWOOD!
Things were all right with me. A perfect family, me a good girl, doing well in my studies and enjoying life with my friends. Well its just that I like to know about everything around me. How everything works. What make it behave the way it actually does. This world just fascinates me. So I like to read about them. Know things you see. And besides that I have this fetish for doing things just perfectly. Perfection is what I aim for.. n that is why Aamir Khan is my favorate hero. Now you’ll say what is wrong in that. This is something good isn’t it?? NO, its NOT good. This is what get me into trouble. I am not even joking.

How khushi got lovestuck and became a maniac??


Wow.. its been an year today and what better day to gift myself with the story err.. make it tragedy of my life..
Its not that my life is any good before this happened but anyways I wasn’t up for anymore wrecks.. oh please come on who want someone to just come into your life to break your heart. Yeah right.. now its for whole world to know m heartbroken n this book is dedicated solely to SURAJ.. buddy you got it coming your way.